Agreements with the NHS

The National Health Service (ASL (Local Health Authority), INPS (National Social Security Institute) e INAIL (National Institute of Industrial Injury Insurance)) grants a single course of treatment each year, and all citizens can take advantage of it, choosing freely the most suitable thermal complex which has an agreement with the authorities.
In order to take advantage of thermal treatments, it is necessary to show up at the thermal complex upon reservation. You can only book your treatments with a medical prescription issued by the family doctor or an affiliated specialist, complete with the diagnosis and the type of treatment to be performed. You also need to have your health card and ID.
In order to take advantage of thermal treatments, it is necessary to show up at the thermal complex upon reservation. You can only book your treatments with a medical prescription issued by the family doctor or an affiliated specialist, complete with the diagnosis and the type of treatment to be performed. You also need to have your health card and ID.

When the patient is admitted, the medical director of the spa, or another appointed physician, completes the related medical record. This is done after a thorough medical examination to ascertain any clinical contraindications to treatment and to identify the quality, timing and method of prescribed administrations.
Thermal treatments benefit a variety of relapsing and chronic diseases of the airways, ear, osteoarticular, vascular, and dermatological systems.
Thermal treatments benefit a variety of relapsing and chronic diseases of the airways, ear, osteoarticular, vascular, and dermatological systems.